Friday, December 6, 2013

Dear Pre-Calculus students,
I am sure that your snow day comes with mixed feelings. Extra time to prepare
for all your exams is great, but you now feel pretty much on your own for my exam.
The exam is Wed., Dec. 11th, from 2:45 pm to 4:35 pm.
The best I have to offer to assist you is two-fold:
Option #1)  I have an appointment in Fairfield Ohio on Wednesday morning until shortly after 1:00 pm
As soon as I am finished I plan to go to my Office at the Mount. I can help anyone that
stops in from about 2:00 pm until the exam.
Option #2)  You can email me a problem number and page and I will work out the problem
in detail and post it on the blog:
You can scan a problem and email it.
You can take a picture of a problem and email it.
Mr. Chuck Knepfle
How to study for the final exam:
1) review the 3 tests we have had
2) review the announced quizzes
3) If you need individual help, I am in my office
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the first week of December.
(about 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.)
4) Know the Special Trig values
5) Be able to graph all the TRIG FUNCTIONS
Click here for the Trig Graphs
plus: linear functions, x squared, x cubed, e to the x, log of x

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